All-On-4 Implants Could Do A Lot For You, Your Smile

Do you remember how you felt as a little kid when you got to wear a new pair of shoes out of the store? It was always fun to break them in.

How would you like to feel that way about leaving the dentist office? You just might when you leave our office in Woodbury, MN, with your new “teeth,” courtesy of the All-on-4® procedure.

Dental implants marked a big change in what was possible with restorative dentistry. And All-on-4 is the next big step in dental implants.

Dr. Mark W. Wilhelm understands that getting teeth replacements can have a big impact on a patient’s quality of life. With All-on-4, you can begin to enjoy those benefits sooner.

To learn more about implants or about All-on-4, call 651-319-9064 or contact us online to schedule a consultation.


The Effects Of Losing Your Teeth

Nothing can quite prepare you for what it’s like to try to live without teeth. No ever expects it to happen. Yet it has happened to more than 35 million Americans, according to the American College of Prosthodontists.

So, what is life like without teeth?

It means no longer being able to eat many of your favorite foods. Without teeth, many things can be extremely difficult to eat. For some people, this also may affect how many nutrients they receive on a daily basis, which can affect your health in other ways.

There’s also the cosmetic issue. Your smile doesn’t look the same when you don’t have teeth. Leaving your teeth unreplaced affects your jawbone as well.

Without roots to stimulate your jawbone, it will begin to shrink. As it shrinks, it affects your appearance, as you face can appear to be pulling in on itself.

And that can affect your self-confidence as well. You may start to avoid going out in public if you feel embarrassed by you missing teeth. You may even avoid getting together with family and friends.

That’s not good for you or for them.


The Way Forward: Dental Implants

If you are looking for true teeth replacements, dentures are not enough. You need dental implants, too.

Dentures are designed to replace the crowns of your missing teeth. Dental implants replace the roots.

With implant-supported dentures, you have the closest thing to a new set of teeth that modern dentistry can give you.

When your dentures are affixed to a series of carefully placed implants, you can do more than smile again. You also regain your ability to bite and chew comfortably.

Implants allow you to put more power behind each bite, so you can eat anything you want. If you don’t think that makes a difference, think about all the foods you’ve had or would have to give up with loose-fitting dentures.

Dental implants provide stability and strength to any other ordinary set of dentures.

Call 651-319-9064 to find out if you are a good candidate for dental implants.


All-On-4, Implants, And You

Dental implants provide a lot of benefits. When your dentures are secure, you feel more comfortable dining out with your friends, reading a story to your grandchildren, or just singing to yourself in the car.

If there is a drawback to getting dental implants, it’s that you may have to wait months before you can begin enjoying those benefits.

All-on-4 fixes that problem. With All-on-4, you can come to our office, get your implants, and walk out with a set of temporary replacement teeth.

That means you smile will look complete, and you will be able to eat many things starting on the day of your procedure.

You will need some time to heal before you get your permanent dentures. Until then, however, you will notice your bite getting stronger with each passing day.

When you are ready, Dr. Wilhelm will attach your permanent dentures. By then, you will likely understand what you can eat with your dentures.

We say this because we have seen it happen over and over again at our dentist office in Woodbury. All-on-4 can be a life-changing experience for many people.

Our teeth are one of the things people don’t fully appreciate until they are gone.


Ask Us About All-On-4

If you believe All-on-4 could help you or someone you love, contact Dr. Wilhelm today. You can schedule a consultation by contacting us online or by calling 651-319-9064.



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